Lewsey uses up another of her 9 lives.

It would seem that Lewsy did not learn her lesson from the last soaking she received. After attempting to bag herself a swan she jumped off the wrong side of Whitewater's boat. His neighbour was alerted by the splash and duly came to tell us that the kitten had gone for a swim... and had disappeared.

The frantic calls for Lewsey roused boaters from the other side of the moorings who came to assist (binoculars and all) for our lost kitten. The swan was looking rather smug and hissing wildly at us, Rob commandeered a canoe, and I ran around in a state of panic rattling boxes of cat biscuits and Lewsey's favourite cat toy. Lolly came to investigate what all the noise was about and just curled up on the pontoon without the faintest bit of concern.

Ten very long minutes passed with no sign of a soggy cat. In a last ditch attempt I leaned right over the edge of the pontoon and called out to her. She replied.

If I could translate the "meows" I would think she said something like "What? I'm curled up on the blocks under the pontoons trying to dry out and get some sleep. Do you mind keeping the noise down a bit?"

The rescue of the cat (who is now not allowed out until she is 18) made a lot of boaters happy. (it gave them a break from the jobs they were supposed to be doing.) I know none of those who helped will ever read this but I do offer them a big hearty thank you and bottles of wine will be coming their way.


eretria said...

Maybe instead of a cat-collar, you should give her a little flotation device with a bell on it? ;o)

valonia said...

I thought a whistle and a flare might be a useful bit of kit for her!

Avus said...

Do cats swim? I guess she will have to learn soon.

valonia said...

She's a good swimmer. I think there is a natural instinct that kicks it. It's more of a doggy paddle than any known swim stroke.