A Mini Adventure...
On a mini boat. I joined the boys on an trip down stream to Culham where we found a pill box and underground bunker from World War II. I got to address my fear of heights as we descended into the darkness of the bunker. I also spent a little while dangling off the side of the pill box as Rob attempted to lower me to the ground. We are currently locking through Culham on our way home for tea.
Wood Burning.
Whitewater chose a celtic cross to adorn the futon which Whyte Swallow has been making him. We turned our friend's boat into a little studio whilst we are decorating it. Actually, Whyte Swallow is doing most of the work. I just keep her company to keep the ghosties away and every now and again I'm allowed to wield a paint brush. Anyway, this is a photo of me hard at work with Whitewater's celtic design.
Painting The Tin Can.
As the weather is not favourable for giving the beast an exterior face lift we have decided to pimp the inside instead. The aft cabin doors are now green. English Mist green, or something fancy sounding. I will wood burn two plaques of the green man (the leafy variety as opposed to the boat) to place on each side of the door. It might be a while before I get round to this though as Whyte Swallow managed to persuade Local Roots in Abingdon to sell some of my wood burnings! I need to make some for the shop, friends and family before I can concentrate on the boat ones. Right, only the hatch and bedroom doors to sand,prime and paint...
The Loo Run!
The elsan disposal at our mooring is currently out of order so Whyte Swallow and I took a trip on a dinky plastic boat to Abingdon Lock to empty our toilet cassettes. The river was slow and in was only when we reached the locks that we discovered that it is on yellow boards! That would explain the lack of river traffic...
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